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Building Bridges

Nursing is a profession driven by the collective experiences and knowledge of its members. This knowledge is not static; it is dynamic, forever evolving in response to social change. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the pace of this evolution; however, it has also greatly restricted access to the physical spaces and institutions which once facilitated the exchange of this knowledge. 


The Humber Journal of Nursing (HJN) is ultimately an attempt to bridge this divide; to act as a new, virtual, forum for the exchange of knowledge between nursing students, educators, and practicing nurses.


We are not a traditional research journal. Instead, the HJN is seeking to feature the voices of nurses in a format that is accessible to an audience of undergraduate nursing students. 



Game Changer - Banksy 
Chart & Stethoscope


*Please note our constitution has not been finalized and is subject to change. 


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